Thursday, October 2, 2014

Show 34: Guest Dr. Will Rogers

The Next Level Show

Friday 3pm/PT & 6pm/ET on 10/3/14 Studio B

Revolution Radio Link:

Call-in Number: 310-421-4053  Skype: freedomscreen2

"The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it." - George Orwell

Welcome to the prime time,"The Next Level Show with Aurora LightSky!" Tonight Dr. Will Rogers will be with us so I can introduce him and launch the premiere of his show "Diadactic Discourse" on Sunday at 2pm/ET Studio B. Dr. Will has been a monthly guest on my show for the last few months. If you're not familiar with his work on Blogtalk Radio as masterteacher33 with with over 1,000 shows available to browse through. Dr. Rogers has an extensive background in esoteric, spiritual and religious matters as well as being on tops of current events with stunning insight. Below are some of his sites and contact information. Be sure to tune in for a challenge to your belief system and paradigm. We will be discussing "Left Behind," movie released today, ebola and the rapture, the frequency of earth and intentional water so far on my outline. If you are aware of Dr. Rogers work then you know what to expect and if not...prepare to have your cookies blown! 

NOTE: On Will's Sunday show, there will be an alert about his show in the chat (go to and on the top of the page at the right click the CHAT link so pick a name and come in the chat room for all shows) and you will see - Studio B - Diadactic Discourse with Dr. Will Rogers PREMIER show today! Join the #DidacticDiscourse room for the show to interact with Dr. Rogers and friends from his other show listeners! The link #DidacticDiscourse room is only for the show chat not general chat topics. 

Open Discussion with Aurora

Friday midnight: 9 pm PT/Saturday morning 12 am ET on 10/03/14 

Same time as the old spot for The Next Level Show but a roundtable type environment only more constructive. Focus is on topics from the previous show at 6pm/ET and team members share current events contributed to other radio shows/newspapers releases. This week Art and Lady are here to discuss their Wwoof lifestyle. Any topic is welcome as long as it's constructive and about real events not imaginary, fictitious meanderings or venting your latest conspiracy fears or UFO probings in detail. Come on, gimme a smile...! It's supposed to be FUN! ALSO...if you want to go in the room at the chat for just the show talk, then click on the link in the chat room when I enter this:  Open Discussion with Aurora is on Studio B tonight  #TNLS  @ midnight ET/9pm PT please join the discussion That will get you in the room right on the same page but a different chat box. :)

Hi. On a quick note, I'd like to briefly inform you again about me and my purpose for pursuing an internet radio show. I am a second generation preacher's kid who left the mainstream church because there were never answers to the questions I asked about contradictions, misinterpretations, doctrinal conflicts, etc. I was just sick of the hypocrisy, to be blunt and realized they DID NOT KNOW the answers. Knowing I was following Jesus and seeking Him for truth I kept looking for answers on the web. My show is not a religious show but spiritual matters are discussed and my belief system is not up for debate or challenge. I know who I am, my purpose and to Whom I ultimately answer. The focus of my effort is to promote INFORMATION and not focus on trying to persuade anyone to change their mind, follow another or take a different path. This is just INFORMATION. Keep the good, toss the bad and keep moving. Find pieces to your puzzle and connect some dots. Search using whatever your method is to ensure you never stagnate in searching for the truth or tune something out because it's anathema or not allowed by your past dogma. You will answer for your life, not anyone else. That means you are accountable for what you do and don't allow and can't blame anyone else for what you did or didn't do. It really is that simple to me. There is always a middle ground and swerving off course dangerously close to the edge is not what I'm attracted to and won't allow a guest to be berated, yelled at or challenged on their information. I INVITED them on to HEAR their material and examine it in light of MY understanding to shine the light on it and make sure everyone listening can get a full scope of what is presented. Then YOU take the INFORMATION...KEEP it or TOSS it and keep moving as you add or subtract PIECES to your puzzle and CONNECT THE DOTS so you can DECIDE if it matters or not. That is the way it goes around here. I welcome all points of view and discussion as long as it's constructive and in the general area of current topics on "Open Discussion." The planned guests on "The Next Level Show," can take calls IF they want to after the first hour. Please mind your manners on calls and if you know someone you may believe has work that may be worth considering, please email me at 

Please remember that Revolution Radio is the largest internet radio station in the world that is a 100% listener supported station. You the listeners are a major part of our continued success at getting the truth out. If you would like to help keep us on the air, then click on the donate button and give whatever you can afford. No amount is too small and we appreciate your continued support!
 MASS MESSAGE To Everyone Who Enjoys and Utilizes Revolution Radio on

The network has grown beyond the server network ability to service the users or the software that hosts and manages it.
We need to raise $1800 separate dollars so I can redesign the entire network to dedicated servers in a month when are experiencing the WORST income flow in quite some time. This has become hugely stressful as the machine manager as its come to a point that i have to hand manage things nonstop to keep it running. And deal with the hackers and the list goes on. I am in the process of moving the entire service to a high end managed server architecture so we can separate our selves completely from control.

$1 to whatever will help so we can keep this working.
I understand I have been unusually cranky and quick to temper lately and wish I could accurately convey why but in all honesty it’s just become too much all the time since the basic automated procedures no longer work during 50% of our broadcasts-- is that good? Well yes that’s awesome! It means we are finely, after 4 years, making a serious difference.  People are listening, people are doing, but also the PTB see us now.  We are a threat and dedicating time to making this a fight we all need to get involved in.
So this is what I’m doing…

I’m moving EVERYTHING to a DEDICATED environment (not including streaming, as its well mapped out) we need to get away from the Google architecture that you have no choice but to cope with in these public server environments. So IF you can help please do if not i understand were all just trying to get over the hump no stress