Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Show 2: Guest Willow Andreasson

Friday midnight/Saturday morning: 1/25/14 at 12 am ET/9 pm PT

Revolution Radio Link: http://www.freedomslips.com

Chat: http://www.freedomslips.com/newchat/

Call-in Number: 347-688-2902. Skype: freedomscreen2

We are happy to have a dear friend and hostess of Revolution Radio for Friday midnite/Saturday 12 am. Willow is known at our station as Surrey Sunflower and hosts the Tues. midnite/Wed. 12 am Open Round Table every week.

Willow Andreasson:  willowandreasson.wordpress.com/

Susan and I will be discussing her work as an author as well as the many other topics she delves into on her Roundtable Show. Willow is multi-talented host, author and is one of RR station's Host Liaison Team. We look forward to an exciting and enlightening show with her.

Listen to this show: http://www.revolutionradioarchives.com/files/Aurora/The%20Next%20Level-with%20Ace%20and%20Aurora-2014-01-24.mp3

Listen to our show and many others (some with well known hosts/shows) at www.freedomslips.com. Visit the chat room and enjoy the conversation there by clicking the link on the main page.  All shows are listed as ET zone. All primetime shows can be found on the YouTube channel, "Revolution Radio". Please listen to the brief commercial on the YouTube channel as it helps financially. Please browse the station page to find the archives of all shows and many items available for purchase. Revolution Radio is the largest listener supported station on the web and our listener base is worldwide. Being 100% listener supported gives Revolution Radio the freedom to bring to you the alternative sources of information without commercials or censcorship. Being a listener supported station meaning it is funded ONLY by contributions and all hosts and managers are volunteers. It has grown in it's ability/techology having recently installed a T3 line making our station more powerful for live feed, new venues, etc. Archives of all shows ever aired except late night roundtables are available @ www.freedomslips.com. Make sure to find both stations A and B schedules and look for freedomslips on Facebook, YouTube, Tunein, Spreaker, Winamp, mobile apps and much, much more! 

1 comment:

  1. Aurora and Susan, I just wanted to express my heartfelt gratitude to you for inviting me on to your amazing show. You are immensely gracious, wonderful hosts - and two beautiful souls who I am honoured and humbled to know as my friends. Thank you :-) Willow x x x


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