Monday, January 13, 2014

Welcome to The Next Level Show

The premier of the The Next Level Show is on Revolution Radio! 

Hello! We're glad you're here. The Next Level Show is a creation of my good friend Susan and myself. We wanted to create a show focused on women's issues, current events and news of interest with a wide variety of topics. What we see is that there are many different streams of thought that people gravitate to and decide to frequent. FB, Twitter, etc. are the popular ways for people to search for their interests or other like minded people. What I see is that there are many different streams of thought that people gravitate to and decide to frequent. FB, Twitter, etc. are the popular ways for people to search for their interests or other likeminded people. Say for example, since we all see different information or what i call, "streams," of topics from friends or family on FB we might take a look at what was mentioned when it piqued your interest. Since you, "slid," down that link/share you have followed a stream to another topic or interest group. Now you have entered an entirely new or perhaps familiar stream and may launch into another, not unlike the similiar concept of following links and surfing the web. I think we've all gotten lost almost in another pond so far away from where we originally started we can't even back trace the two subjects to find that original stream. I have found so many sites and groups i never knew existed and i was hooked on the info. My bookmarks or favorites looked (and still do, I'm ashamed to say) like a messy disaster almost unrecognizable. The new discoveries are what we wish to explore and involve more subject matter to add pieces to our puzzle.The new information we see are what we wish to explore and involve more subject matter to add pieces to our puzzle.The show will be a low key talk environment with no debates or issues of conflict. The focus will be learning self reliance, sharing information that is healthy and helpful with guests who are positive. Every week we will have the guests, topics,sites of interest and discussions from the show so check back with us. We hope you tune in on Studio B Friday @ 12 am ET/9 pm PT on this fabulous station:        

Revolution Radio

*Be sure to share our show link:   on your social media. 

Listen to our show and many others (some with well known hosts/shows) at Visit the chat room and enjoy the conversation there by clicking the link on the main page.  All shows are listed as ET zone. All primetime shows can be found on the YouTube channel, "Revolution Radio". Please listen to the brief commercial on the YouTube channel as it helps financially. Please browse the station page to find the archives of all shows and many items available for purchase. Revolution Radio is the largest listener supported station on the web and our listener base is worldwide. Being 100% listener supported gives Revolution Radio the freedom to bring to you the alternative sources of information without commercials or censcorship. Being a listener supported station meaning it is funded ONLY by contributions and all hosts and managers are volunteers. It has grown in it's ability/techology having recently installed a T3 line making our station more powerful for live feed, new venues, etc. Archives of all shows ever aired except late night roundtables are available @ Make sure to find both stations A and B schedules and look for freedomslips on Facebook, YouTube, Tunein, Spreaker, Winamp, mobile apps and much, much more! 

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