Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Show 4: Open Discussion and Terral Black Star Update

Friday midnight/Saturday morning: 2/8/14 at 12 am ET/9 pm PT

Revolution Radio Link:


Call-in Number: 347-688-2902. Skype: freedomscreen2

This week I saw issues about the rumors and actions people are taking concerning the banking crisis or possible shut down, killings of bankers, activist sites and evil snow. (smiley face) Then I was sent a link and listened to a livestream conversation my friend, Billy Hayes, was a part of. I hope Billy will be able to join us to discuss some things as I believe he told more about himself than I've heard before. Since I know Billy pretty well, that is saying a lot. Here is the link below and you may just want to listen as it's not much of a view on a chat via livestream. Here it is:  

Chemtrails - Livestream February 1st, 2014

Sylvain Henry, is an activist against the NWO globa agendas. He has confirmed he'll join us tonight and he may bring some colleagues.
We've asked Terral03 to join us and he will be giving his Black Star Updates every Friday in the first half hour. Be sure to look at his website and go to the dropbox folder to see his weekly newsletter full of current events:  &

As I was wandering the web, I came across this page:  After a compilation of the other things I'd read it kind of struck a nerve and made me angry. It reminded me of why I decided to try and speak out in the first place...the realization that almost everything I'd been told about life on earth was almost all lies. Big changes are happening right in front of us and it is our job to find out the what, why, who and to what end. There are many ways to protest and boycott things we disagree with but hiding your head in the sand should not even be an option, in my view. Saying you don't watch TV, go to movies, shop at Wal-Mart, etc. is not really making a difference in my opinion. If you don't watch TV how can you relate to your family/grandkids about what THEY (vampires, zombies, elicit music/videos, general LACK OF MORALS) do and believe? Knowledge is knowledge, simple as that. Ignorance never made progress or had the means to help in a crisis or give good advice. To make a difference we ourselves can see in action means we must put aside our personal feelings and agendas and FOCUS on the message. It will be too late one day. And when that day does come...I'll know in my heart of hearts and soul of souls that I did the best I could to stand against the tide and not be the ones swept away. I'd rather be a lonely rock in a dried up river bed than be the many who mindlessly followed each other downstream. There is one thing I taught my kids and it was NOT TO SETTLE FOR LESS. So I'm following my own advise and I hope you will listen and call in to discuss the topic of how our earth is being terraformed and for what reason. We must all get behind the matter of our planet and US...homo sapiens...being fundamentally changed without our consent. I consider it my job to be in a state of constant non-compliancy. What about you? Let's connect some dots, make some friends and help each other to solve our puzzles. Join Ace and me on The Next Level Show and look behind curtain.

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