Thursday, May 8, 2014

Show 15: In Your Face and Terral Black Star Update

Friday midnight/Saturday morning: 5/10/14 at 12 am ET/9 pm PT

Revolution Radio Link:


Call-in Number:310-421-4053

Every week Terral03 is on the first half-hour each week to give his Black Star Update. Many earthquakes happened this last week with other geological events that may be related to things in our galaxy. Terral's YouTube page is Terral03 Black Star: and his research has a video every week coinciding with his newsletter under the video description. His website is:  

I have to apologize to Terral and RR for not being available and being absent. I've had a serious family illness AND my computer died. Last week Terral was great and I need to thank Catt, Jay P and whomever else for producing. The blog will just pick up from here with show info. I'll be discussing how the "Hidden/Black," Government is not really hiding things as much as people seem to think. They leave clues and even just plain tell it like it is through TV, movies and music. I do watch some TV shows and movies because to stick my head in the sand and claim movies are evil is just foolish, in my opinion. The coming generations are the targets and if we don't know the truth behind Hellywood's lies then how can we ever hope to help when it's our time to do so. Yes, I do believe there is a time when we have to toe the line and show who we are and what we really believe. When the ones you love look to you for help/guidance will you be equipped and ready to act? That is why I believe it's crucial to LISTEN to other sources than what you know/ have known and be informed with knowledge. It's all just INFORMATION and you decide what to do with it. Challenge yourself to leave your comfort zone and see what happens. What do you have to lose? Your sitting online reading this, right? :)

Please be patient as I get back on track and get my steam going. Please feel free to call in to the show and voice your opinion or ask questions. I'm just a normal person seeking TRUTH so I can see clearly and learn or unlearn as I go. I will say I don't really call myself a Christian but I do believe in Jesus and have lived to witness His power and personal unexplainable blessings and healings. I am not in the Charismania camp of the current ecumenical church movement. However, I am doing my best to be patient and am learning to listen to others with fantastic results of piecing together my puzzle. I will get the links for the shows and other info up here by this weekend. Hopefully this computer I'm on now will work great and we'll have a great show!

Please remember that Revolution Radio is the largest internet radio station in the world AND is only listener supported station and all volunteers. Look for the station on TuneIn, Spreaker and YouTube. The YouTube channel has changed names: Please listen to the commercial and donate a few bucks if you can to keep us on the air.

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